AdvisorBOB’s Total Billed by Account Group Report allows advisors and firm administrators to easily view the breakdown of the total invested amount by account group. Administrators can view amounts for an individual advisor, multiple advisors, or their entire firm for any desired pay cycle, while being exportable to Excel. This report is great for tracking account group production. To access the Total Billed by Account Group report, navigate to AdvisorBOB > Login > Reports > Total Billed by Account Group.

Total Billed Breakdown:
- Group Name-> This is simply the group name that is associated with the advisor.
- Rep ID-> The advisors that are associated with the account group.
- Total Invested Amount-> The sum of the client’s initial investment.
- Total Billable Amount-> All accounts that are selected to be included in billing. The total billable value of the account group is based on the client agreements.
- Fee Schedule-> The fee schedule that the account group is mapped to.
- Gross Fee-> The sum of the gross account fee associated with the account group and all other accounts.
- Adjusted Fee-> The sum of the advisors adjusted amount of the account group.
- Net Fee-> The sum of the advisors net fee of the account group, this is what will be paid out.

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